9 Shoppable TikTok Strategies

9 Shoppable TikTok Strategies

As a business owner, it's essential to keep up with the latest marketing trends, and TikTok is no exception. With its ever-growing popularity, TikTok is a great way to get your eCommerce business out there. 

Here are nine shoppable strategies you can use to reach potential customers and make your business stand out on TikTok. From creative content ideas to setting up shoppable links and leveraging influencers, these strategies are sure to give your eComm marketing efforts some extra zest. Let's get started!

1) Use Influencers

Influencers are a great way to engage customers and boost eCommerce sales. By partnering with influencers, you can tap into their networks and reach new audiences. Influencers can help create buzz around your products, spread awareness of your brand, and drive conversions. 

When selecting influencers, look for ones that align with your brand’s values and have an engaged audience that resonates with your target customer. Consider the influencer’s authenticity, content quality, and average engagement rate when making your decision.

Once you’ve identified a few suitable influencers, it’s time to get in touch and start collaborating. The first step is to present them with an offer, like a free product in exchange for a review or post about your product. Make sure the offer is clear, enticing, and mutually beneficial.

Once the partnership is established, let your influencer know how you want them to promote your product. They should understand the goals of the collaboration and how they can help you reach them. Give them creative freedom so they can come up with (hot!) content that resonates with their followers.

Finally, measure the success of the collaboration. Track metrics like click-through rate (CTR), page views, and sales to see if the influencer was able to drive conversions. This will help you decide if the partnership was successful and whether you should continue working together.

By leveraging influencers, you can increase your eCommerce sales and build more meaningful relationships with customers. With the right influencer on board, you can make the most out of this quarter or year!

2) Utilize Shoppable Posts

Shoppable posts on TikTok are a great way to drive eCommerce sales. They enable users to purchase products directly from the platform and provide brands with an efficient way to turn followers into customers. 

To set up shoppable posts, you must first connect your business account with a supported eCommerce platform, such as Shopify or WooCommerce. After that setup is done, you can upload product images and information directly onto TikTok. You can even create different versions of the same post for different platforms. 

When creating shoppable posts, it’s important to ensure the product is visible and the call-to-action (CTA) is clear and concise. Make sure to also include a link to the product page in the caption of your post so that users can easily access more information about it.

Consider running promotions and discount codes to entice users to purchase products. This could be in the form of exclusive discounts for TikTok users or flash sales. Take advantage of this powerful tool to reach a wider audience and increase conversions!

3) Create On-Brand Content

Creating on-brand content on TikTok is a great way to engage with customers and build brand awareness. Whether you’re launching a new product or promoting a special offer, creating creative content can help drive traffic to your eCommerce store.

When creating content, think outside the box (or recipe). Consider incorporating popular songs, movies, and characters into your videos. Another great idea is to create short clips of your team members or behind-the-scenes footage.

And don’t forget to include a call-to-action in your videos that encourage viewers to visit your store or check out a particular product. You can also add shoppable links to your videos to make it easier for people to purchase your products without ever leaving TikTok.

4) Go Live

Live videos are a great way to interact with your audience on TikTok. Not only do live videos provide an opportunity for a real-time connection, but they can also be used to highlight special offers, feature products, and create a sense of urgency to drive sales. 

When going live on TikTok, focus on providing your audience with valuable content that resonates with them. Try hosting a Q&A session, going over deals and promotions, or offering tips on using your products. These live videos should have an entertainment factor, so your audience remains engaged. 

Make sure to start your live video with a catchy intro and use polls, quizzes, and fun challenges to keep viewers interested. Ask questions throughout the video and respond to comments in real time. End with a call-to-action, such as directing viewers to your website or urging them to purchase something. 

Bonus ingredient? Live videos are an effective way to increase engagement and offer exclusive offers that customers can take advantage of immediately. By focusing on creating meaningful connections and engaging content, you can make your brand that much sweeter!

5) Collaborate With Other Brands

Collaborating with other brands on TikTok is an effective way to reach new audiences and make your presence known. By working together, you and the other brands can benefit from the added exposure and reach a larger group of potential customers.

When collaborating with another brand, you can create unique content that combines your product or service with theirs. You can also feature each other’s products in videos or stories or create a joint giveaway or contest.

Creating a unique hashtag is another great way to promote collaboration. Encourage users to use it when sharing their experience of using both brands' products or when posting about the collaboration. This will make it easier for people to find your content and give you another way to track your performance and reach.

At the end of the day, collaborations with other brands can be mutually beneficial and help you grow your presence on TikTok. So if you’re looking to try something new, why not team up with another brand and get creative?

6) Giveaways

A well-executed giveaway can bring in new customers, increase your brand awareness, and reward existing customers with discounts or exclusive offers. It’s also a great way to generate user-generated content (UGC) that you can then repurpose across other social media platforms. 

There are several different ways to execute a giveaway on TikTok. You can ask users to create a video using your hashtag or showcase their favorite product from your store. Alternatively, you can launch a challenge where users must complete a task such as creating a dance to your song, creating a shopping haul video, or something else creative. For example, you could ask users to post a creative video of them “unboxing” one of your products and tagging you in it. 

You can use giveaways to drive sales, but it’s important to remember that these don’t necessarily have to involve giving away a product. Consider offering discounts or exclusive offers instead. By doing this, you can still increase engagement while driving more sales.

Overall, giveaways are an effective way to engage with your followers and promote your brand. With a little creativity and planning, you can use them to get people excited about your products and drive more sales for your business.

7) Discount Codes

Discounts can be a great way to get users to shop with you. Use creative and catchy TikTok videos to draw in customers and offer them unique and exclusive discounts. Engagingly showcase the discounts, whether it’s through a fun video or a simple text post. Discount codes will help encourage people to make purchases, so be sure to promote them as much as possible. Plus, giving out discount codes also shows that your brand is invested in giving back to its customers. 

Make sure to also track which discount codes are used and how often they’re being used. Doing this will allow you to know what types of promotions are the most successful.

8) User-Generated Content

User-generated content is one of the most effective shoppable TikTok strategies. It allows you to tap into the power of word-of-mouth marketing, giving your followers a chance to share their experiences with your products. When someone posts a positive review, others are more likely to trust their opinion and be persuaded to buy the product they’re talking about.

Encourage your followers to post videos and photos of themselves using your products in creative ways. You could also run contests and giveaways incentivizing users to post reviews and content featuring your products. This will create engagement around your brand and help to drive sales.

When creating user-generated content, be sure to respond to posts with comments and likes. Showing your followers that you appreciate their posts will make them more likely to continue engaging with your brand, thus increasing your sales.

9) Have Fun!

TikTok is all about having fun! Use the platform to be creative, showcase your personality, and bring your eCommerce brand to life. By following these shoppable TikTok strategies, you’ll be able to have a lot of fun while increasing engagement and driving sales. The rest is history in the baking! 

Don't hesitate to reach out to the eCommerce experts at CakeCommerce to whip up the sweetest TikTok strategy for your brand!