YouTube SEO Services

Video marketing is one of the hottest ways to grow your eCommerce brand. However, not a lot of businesses understand the power of this marketing channel, and they don’t know how to deploy some of the more complex strategies.

Thankfully, that’s where our CAKE team of YouTube shopping experts can help. From showing you how to rank your YouTube videos on the first page of Google to identifying good YouTube titles, we’re here to make all those video basics happen.

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What Are YouTube SEO Services?

To understand this concept, you have to know that YouTube is basically a search engine for videos. That means you can’t just post a video and hope for the best.

In order to get viewers to watch your content, you have to use specific methods tailored to reaching those searching YouTube channels.

As eCommerce consultants, we’ll help you choose the best titles for your YouTube videos and help you optimize your descriptions for increased traffic.

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YouTube Influencer Marketing

Not sure your brand needs to create their own videos? That’s fine. We can always help you sweeten your omnichannel marketing mix by utilizing YouTube influencer marketing.

What does this mean? Essentially, this is where you pay a popular video channel to promote your product to their subscribers. These video influencers often have thousands or even millions of followers who hang on their every word, which can mean a significant boost in sales for you.

The best part? CAKE makes the process easy by negotiating all the campaigns on your behalf. This means that you can spend more time on other important projects, while our experts handle all the finer details.

Tube Buddy Integration

If you’re thinking about growing your eCommerce video marketing presence, then you’ll need a solid and robust YouTube SEO software. One of the most popular? Tube Buddy.

However, this program has a slight learning curve if you aren’t already familiar with how YouTube marketing works. And that’s where CAKE comes in.

We help our clients by utilizing top features from Tube Buddy for things like video rank tracking, YouTube comments search, and so much more. That means you don’t have to learn how to use Tube Buddy because we’ll be doing all of the work for you!

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Quality YouTube Marketing and Optimization

From YouTube product descriptions to video influencer marketing, CakeCommerce is here to make the process simple. We crave everything shopping and social media, which means we cannot wait to make your YouTube goals a reality.

Are you ready to whip up the best video marketing strategy possible?

Our CAKE team of experts can help with our YouTube SEO services. Please contact us today for more information.

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