Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) for eCommerce

At CakeCommerce, conversion rate optimization services for eCommerce are our specialty! To help your brand make sweet sales, we’ve whipped up the perfect recipe for CRO success. See how our strategy can help bring more valuable users to your site and boost conversions. But first, let’s sift through the ingredients to help you understand how CRO can benefit your eCommerce store.

What is CRO and Why Does Your Brand Need It?

eCommerce CRO is the process of improving your conversion rate by making small, incremental adjustments on-site. A chef’s kiss user experience (UX) naturally leads to more conversions, so the secret to success is mixing UX efforts with a CRO strategy. To do so, you need to first take a close look at your target audience.

Once your brand understands how its customers think, feel, and behave, you can then plan better on-site experiences for users. As a result, you’ll maximize conversions and accelerate the customer journey with an enhanced shopping experience.

As the experts in all things eCommerce, we always tell our clients that if the website is not optimized for conversions, we won’t waste a dime of your media dollars sending traffic there. We want to focus our efforts to provide your customers with a great user experience on-site that drives conversions. Otherwise, the efforts are wasted.

Super Sweet Benefits of CRO

One of the sweetest things about CRO is it can actually uncover and resolve internal site issues affecting your UX that you may not have even been aware of. These issues that impact the customer journey include:

• Checkout issues that make it difficult or frustrating to purchase.

• Non-responsive websites for mobile experience.

• Technical issues like site speed and poor site performance.

• Lack of product content or clarity.

CRO efforts can also help support better alignment between search engine optimization (SEO) and UX through content, internal links, calls to action (CTAs), and more!

Our Recipe for Success

Interested in boosting your CRO efforts? Let our team of eCommerce strategists take the lead! To ensure you see sweet results from our strategy, we’ll start by conducting a CRO audit. We do this to analyze your customer journey and identify roadblocks and feature gaps within your site that impact the UX and inhibit conversions.

Our team leverages interactive and user traffic mapping tools in compliance with CCPA and GDPR to gather and analyze user data that reflects how they interact with your website. We use this data to help us make optimizations to your site that best support this user behavior and preferences.

Here’s a taste of the other CRO services we offer to spice up your website:

Serve Yourself a Slice of CAKE’s CRO Efforts

Conversion rate optimization can make your website and user experience top-tier! To learn more about our CRO services for eCommerce brands or to discuss a free audit, contact CakeCommerce.