Retention Science: The Future of eCommerce Email Marketing is Here

Retention Science: The Future of eCommerce Email Marketing is Here

They say that growing a brand is a little bit like creating a piece of art. Not sure what we mean?

Well, it has to be beautiful and noteworthy to catch the attention of your target market. And there’s a good chance that you’re going to put a piece of your own heart and soul into making it flourish into something that others are interested in.

But, there’s also a bit of science behind ensuring your eCommerce brand thrives. And that’s why our team at CAKE loves Retention Science. Affectionately known as ReSci, this company is founded by a group of smarty pantses who have harnessed the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to help online stores optimize their marketing more effectively.

Sounds cool, right? The customer platform is called Cortex and features numerous features designed to make email marketing more intuitive. Keep reading to learn more.

Predictive Analytics to Make Your Message More Effective

You already know that growing your email list is important. But what if your customers aren’t responding to your messages or buying again once you’ve sent out emails to your previous customers?

ReSci’s Cortex platform uses artificial intelligence paired with your actual customer data to see why you aren’t getting a response from your email marketing. How? Their marketing automation features use things like self-correcting subject lines, predicted send intervals for each subscriber, and dynamic segmentation to ensure the right message is getting to the right potential buyer.

Where you would once send out a message and just hope for the best, Cortex makes it intuitive and automatic to ensure each prospect receives messages targeted to their buying style and email open history. To put it bluntly, this is a straight-up game changer for email marketing.

Cortex Uses Customer Lifecycle Stages

The great thing about Cortex (besides the fact that the AI is uber-smart and knows how to literally get into the brain of your target audience) is that every machine-driven decision is personalized to each user based on data. The AI then breaks down that information using the different parts of the customer lifecycle and reaches out to them with content, recommendations, or incentives to drive them to convert and move to the next part of your sales funnel.

Need examples? Here you go…

  • Ready-To-Buy customers are typically the ones who are your VIPs or those who engage with your brand frequently. They receive emails through the automated system every four to six days.
  • Customers At-Risk of leaving still engage with your brand, but show risk of dormancy. They receive emails every six to eight days.
  • Those who have Churned from your business likely made a purchase in the past, but are not currently engaged with your brand. They receive an email every eight to ten days but only stay in this category for 60 days.
  • Finally, there’s the Needs Nurturing category. These are those customers that fell out of the Churning stage and haven’t interacted with your brand in over 60 days.

As you can see, having an email marketing system like ReSci’s Cortex is a great way to ensure your meeting your customer’s engagement level with the content you’re sending.

Draper James Success and Case Study

Still not sure that ReSci has the next best thing since the invention of the cupcake vending machine? Let’s look at a real case study involving actress Reese Witherspoon’s popular clothing brand, Draper James.

According to ReSci, Draper James had no problem growing their list but struggled to turn those subscribers into paying customers. After integrating the Cortex platform for marketing automation, they were able to accomplish a 30% increase in their repeat purchase funnel, grow the number of first-time purchases 10 times, and improve the first purchase conversion rate six times.

To see what else they were able to achieve, check out ReSci's full case study here.

Getting Started with ReSci

If you’re ready to take the leap and integrate the Cortex platform into your eCommerce business, you’re in luck. Our team at CAKE is ready and excited to help you utilize the game-changing tool. Please get in touch with us today to get the process started.