The Best Virtual eCommerce Conferences 2020

The Best Virtual eCommerce Conferences 2020

We might be full-blown in the middle of a global pandemic, but that doesn’t mean that the digital marketing industry is slowing down for a single second. After all, thanks to social distancing, most eCommerce brands are seeing bigger growth jumps than ever before, and just about all of them need a knowledgeable team to help orchestrate both paid media advertising and organic traffic campaigns.

Not sure where to begin when it comes to expanding your skills? The good news is that there are a ton of great virtual eCommerce conferences happening throughout the rest of 2020. These online events are pivotal in continuing your growth as a digital marketing specialist in eCommerce. Plus, virtual conferences are a great way for up-and-coming brands looking to expand their knowledge about how various aspects of the industry work.

If you’re not sure you want to dive into handling all of your digital marketing tasks in-house, there’s still an upside when it comes to these events. Virtual conferences give you the opportunity to prospect various eCommerce marketing agencies and retail marketing specialists while learning what to look for when hiring an eCommerce marketing company.

Here’s what you need to know about the best virtual eCommerce conferences happening in 2020.

Why Attend a Virtual eCommerce Conference with eCommerce Experts?

If you’re wondering why it is such an important idea to attend an online conference, here’s your answer. First, you’ll learn about upcoming and productive strategies from the best in the game. These experts have tested and tried top methods to help you scale and grow your online brand. Their presentations at these events feature great advice that can really make a difference in your sales numbers.

Second, you’ll also be able to keep yourself up to date with various industry trends, topics, research, and more. These concepts change frequently, sometimes making it hard to know all the latest best practices. By attending a virtual eCommerce conference, you can see these ideas laid out in an organized fashion to bring you right up to speed.

But, the biggest reason to attend a virtual summit with eCommerce experts? The ability to network. There are so many bright minds in the industry who actively want to share their best techniques and tricks with likeminded people. This means people like you who want to grow an online eCommerce brand. Wow!

The good news is these events happen completely online, which allows you to follow all social distancing guidelines, save on travel fees, and learn in the comfort of your home or office. But the even better fact is that there are numerous reasons to attend a virtual eCommerce conference.

Top Virtual eCommerce Conferences 2020

If you’re ready to start looking into which conference suits your skill level and schedule, here’s a great list to get you started.

SMX Next: 

Designed to help equip eCommerce businesses with actionable SEO/SEM techniques, SMX Next is produced by Search Engine Land and Marketing Land, two powerhouse online publications in the industry. Although the summit is already over, an on-demand replay is available.


Touted as the so-called largest digital marketing event in the world, DigiMarCon is a great online conference to attend if you want access to a ton of virtual networking. Taking place in November, the event is slated to draw in over 10,000 attendees. Learn more or sign up here.

Engage Virtual Marketing Conference: 

Originally, the Engage Marketing Conference was supposed to take place in Portland, Oregon in August. But, COVID-19 made that impossible, so now the event is being hosted entirely virtually. Take a look here for further details.

ContentTECH Summit: 

The ContentTECH Summit is a little different in that it is solely focused around the basics of using content to build your eCommerce business. It takes place in early August and prior registration is advised.

MozCon 2020: 

This is another big eCommerce and digital marketing summit happening online hosted by Moz. In fact, even our team at CAKE is taking part! If you miss the initial start date, don’t worry as an on-demand feature is available.

And these are just a few of the literally hundreds of eCommerce and digital marketing events happening around the globe this year.

Learn More About eCommerce Strategy with CakeCommerce

Of course, maybe you have zero interest in learning about digital marketing. That’s totally okay! Working with a partner who takes the opportunity to research and attend these online eCommerce events is a great way to benefit without having to work attending them into your schedule.

At CAKE, we are absolute fanatics about all things digital marketing and eCommerce. Instead of putting in the time to attend a virtual summit, consider allowing us to help you out. You’ll be super glad that you did!

Ready to learn more about perfecting your marketing mix? Get in touch with our CAKE team today to discuss the details of your brand and to get eCommerce help.