Why Is SEO Important for eCommerce Websites?

Why Is SEO Important for eCommerce Websites?

You’ve worked hard to get your eCommerce store up and running. Wondering what comes next? This is the part where you need to start working on search engine optimization (SEO) and other related tasks.

If that sentence right there made you stop in your tracks, and you aren’t sure what that means, it’s okay. As an eCommerce brand, there are certain steps you need to take to ensure your online store meets the criteria required by big search engines like Google and Bing. If you don’t do this, then there’s a good chance you won’t show up when someone searches for your brand or even the type of products you offer.

That’s no good, right? To help you out, our CAKE team of fabulous eCommerce SEO experts has put together this brief guide to help you out. Here’s why SEO is important for eCommerce websites.

So… What Exactly is eCommerce SEO?

In general, eCommerce SEO is simply the process of following best practices of search optimization on your online store. Most of the major platforms like BigCommerce and Shopify have some of these elements automatically included in your store, but not all of them. You’ll need to make a few minor changes to help ensure you’re getting maximum results.

For example, make sure your product and category descriptions include appropriate keywords and aren’t just direct copies from your manufacturer’s catalog. By adding this information, you’re telling search engines what your products are about and why they’re helpful to those searching for that type of item.

And it isn’t all about keywords. Sometimes you’ll need to update meta descriptions, change photo alt tags, and even get backlinks by creating knowledgeable content for other websites. The process can get quite complicated, so we’ve put together this excellent eCommerce SEO checklist to give you a better understanding.

Why is eCommerce SEO Vital to Your Success?

There’s no doubt that Google is king when it comes to where people look for things they want to buy. While other forms of advertising are great for getting in front of shoppers who aren’t looking for a direct item at that moment, search listings are ideal for someone who wants to buy right now or in the future.

Without eCommerce SEO, Google doesn’t know to add you to the list of retailers who have what people are looking for. Furthermore, they don’t know to include your product listings in their shopping feeds. This means that you’re basically leaving money and sales on the table by not optimizing your online store. And that isn’t what anyone wants, right?

What Kind of eCommerce SEO Services Should You Invest In?

The bad news is that optimizing your online store can be incredibly time-consuming if you aren’t familiar with the process. That’s where hiring a dedicated eCommerce SEO agency like CakeCommerce can really come in handy. Instead of trying to do keyword research or write content on your own, we can take care of the whole process for you. This leaves you free to work on other areas of your business that need your direct attention.

So, what kind of eCommerce SEO services should you invest in? This is going to vary from one website to another. However, content writing, keyword research, and listing optimization are three of the most valuable on-page optimization tasks to outsource. For off-page optimization, consider guest blogger outreach and content writing as your two ideal options.

Tips for Finding the Right eCommerce Marketing Agency

Of course, not all digital marketing firms are alike. You need to look at a few critical elements when hiring an eCommerce SEO agency to ensure they really know what they’re doing to improve your rankings.

First, make sure they have experience with your particular website platform. Most claim to know Shopify, BigCommerce, or WooCommerce, but few actually have experience in the backend of these platforms to know exactly where to make updates and changes. The firm you hire should also have plenty of eCommerce case studies for your review. All reputable agencies will be forthcoming with both wins and losses regarding past customers and should be open to sharing this with you.

Why CAKE is One of the Best eCommerce SEO Agencies Around

That said, we would love to talk to you about improving your online store and where it ranks on Google. We offer numerous eCommerce SEO packages tailored to your needs and are more than happy to answer any questions you have along the way. Best of all, we’re BigCommerce SEO experts, WooCommerce SEO experts, and Shopify SEO experts that know exactly what it takes to get your online store consistently ranked. Please contact us today for a free quote and to discuss your online store.