How to Boost Customer Engagement With Your eCommerce Brand

How to Boost Customer Engagement With Your eCommerce Brand

Today’s consumers aren’t like they used to be. Decades ago, it used to be normal to visit a department store or local retailer to find a specific item. There was brand loyalty and no expectation of shopping with the competition. 

Today? It’s all fair game. Most people use multiple different channels to find the right products and services to meet their needs. And that means eCommerce brands just like you have to deploy an omnichannel strategy that fits this expectation.

To help you understand how to make this work (and create the perfect recipe for your brand), we’ve put together a blog post explaining our favorite methods. Keep reading to learn how to engage with your customers, no matter where they shop.

Take Advantage of Online Shopping Integrations

Getting in front of your target market when they’re ready to buy is no easy task. Thankfully, there are a lot of major platforms now that make this easier than ever before. 

For example, Google Shopping listings are an excellent thing to always have in the mix when someone uses the search engine to find a particular item. This is especially true if your products are super niche.

Instagram and Facebook have also recently added on-platform shopping listings for retailers to add specific products. And YouTube and others are currently testing out similar results.

The reason this works? Today’s customers are impulsive and want to be able to purchase without too much hassle. These listings make the overall process much easier.

Boost Social Proof Advertising

While the landscape has greatly changed, the concept of word-of-mouth is still virtually the same. Simply put, people trust others just like them who have made a similar purchase.

eCommerce brands need to capitalize on this by building social proof into their advertising campaigns. Boosting social media ads that contain photos or text from real-life customer reviews is a great way to connect with target shoppers on an emotional level.

In addition, these great reviews only lend credibility to your brand. The more you have, the easier it makes it to sell the product to a new customer.

Customer Loyalty Incentives

Of course, finding new customers is always important. But you really need to have a focus on delighting existing and past customers, too. 

Whether your brand is solely online or includes a brick-and-mortar element, make sure you’re taking care of shoppers with a loyalty program. This can be something as simple as earning points with every purchase or gaining access to special limited-time discounts. 

Make sure to promote the offers on as many channels as your target market generally browses. For example, you might send out a postcard in the mail, utilize SMS text messaging, and do an email blast to subscribers. Then add a few Facebook ads and some on-site banners to round out a truly robust omnichannel strategy.

Create Personalized Experiences Across All Channels

When your customers are buying your products on various channels, it can sometimes be difficult to offer a truly personalized experience. However, there are ways to make this happen through audience segmentation and other strategies. 

Likewise, many platforms understand this need and are upgrading to help eCommerce brands create these types of enhanced shopping experiences across their shopping listings. The key is to pay attention to which ones are adding this and make an effort to utilize these settings whenever possible.

Drive Upsells and Cross-Sells

In addition to having a strong omnichannel approach to marketing, it is important to also drive your upsells and cross-sells. Why? Customers who have a higher average order value generally have a higher level of brand loyalty. 

Here’s an example of how this might work: Let’s say a customer buys a red pair of running sneakers from your store from a Google Shopping listing. When you send out the tracking information through your automated system, make sure it includes a second offer at the bottom. Often, customers will take advantage of this upsell. 

While that’s just a small example, there are many, many ways for brands to make this happen.

Track Touchpoints Accordingly

When it comes to digital marketing, data is critical. This means you have to be ready to track analytics on every single channel where you have a touchpoint with a customer. The more you can do this, the better you can refine the overall experience with your best shoppers.

Conclusion: Engaging Customers No Matter Where They Shop

As you can tell, engaging with customers by using an omnichannel approach is crucial to your business. Long gone are the days when someone would just use one resource to make a purchase. Instead, they search social media, use search engines, and so much more. By using an omnichannel strategy, you can help position your store where they’re looking and when they’re ready to buy. 

Need help crafting the ideal marketing mix for your business? Please contact our CAKE team of eCommerce experts today for more information.